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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/06/2025 in Posts

  1. https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ai6icmc_Acfel9ZMZ6DtTnm4uPRSuw?e=Bg1LgW (CC January 2025 Update) https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ai6icmc_Acfel9Z01HyxoPBBuzrOXw?e=egcPaS (DCK965-DCK968 by Code and artist) https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ai6icmc_Acfel9d4OI (FBK260) I think
    10 points
  2. I know this is not karaoke Just once a year i post every new tune for KJ's to play between punters gettin up to sing. UK Top 40's Entries for Year 2024 Re-releases N Xmas Removed. https://mega.nz/folder/ll91jIbZ#_blzdNdSiJ48ekK6m8rfdA
    9 points
  3. https://mega.nz/folder/W24VmQjR#Mp0GtOfspes4GAUYvIY3OQ hello all here is 30 new songs i made a few on might be repeats for mee list that i already posted enjoy
    8 points
  4. Here is another Homemade From KSK in KSK25 Pat Benatar - Let's Stay Together https://mega.nz/folder/UlV0RJxC#iKVMpSHV-KwEjeK5SsY7QA
    7 points
  5. 2 more tracks added to KSK25 The Smithereens - Blues Before and After John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band - Tough All Over https://mega.nz/folder/UlV0RJxC#iKVMpSHV-KwEjeK5SsY7QA
    7 points
  6. These are the 7 tracks I currently have from the 2024 film version of ''Wicked'', including a version of "Defying Gravity" that has been edited down to 03:35: https://mega.nz/folder/tfdAQQCa#9sdhiYVIv6eYKCjBDbixyA Hope this works for you. Enjoy!!!!
    6 points
  7. UK Top 40's Entries for Year 2022 Re-releases N Xmas Removed. https://mega.nz/folder/RlNziRpL#2FMPiOpeUmXQBV_pMpB9tQ UK Top 40's Entries for Year 2023 Re-releases N Xmas Removed. https://mega.nz/folder/EssmEKaa#m4jyT7C-dk_7Wz-q_d1Ofw
    6 points
  8. As requested UK Top 40's Entries for Year 2018 Re-releases N Xmas Removed. 1 folder 278 files. https://mega.nz/folder/N8F0TLgI#grpUaBNkR3yqvJcWi6DYag
    5 points
  9. As requested UK Top 40's Entries for Year 2020 Re-releases N Xmas Removed. 1 folder 291 files. 2018 n 2017 coming. https://mega.nz/folder/os0EwQqB#NWQZomE7xnbMODbCgpiHuQ
    5 points
  10. CB90000's 99 Folders 1493 files Zipped. https://mega.nz/folder/05lkkaTb#PeGBYWU65QCuMubfgyLlYg
    5 points
  11. Here 10 CDG KV Musical (Wicked)
    5 points
  12. Here is CB40410-10 https://mega.nz/file/ABQB2CII#_uNOvC9FF1Yw9KFiXyQKGEZccd3kkrr5E-G8ML95ThU
    5 points
  13. Just donated, Thank you https://mega.nz/file/ymA1FY4Q#sjkFhPbyk3YFBJZ5U90lqbtbsXRf8r60-yWFn4tNaDg https://mega.nz/file/y3JVUThL#iQ6SN-wFOBBSCMTw0dvMWbVpMCvTIL9g9g_llaHwD78 Two more songs for Mees list. Enjoy!
    5 points
  14. That's much better not getting blinded? now. How do you reply to a specific message now and where's the thumbs up. Why don't the links turn blue when you arrow over them like before? I have fixed all the problems with DCK and FBK CC January Update 2025 DCK965-DCK968 by Code and artist FBK260
    5 points
  15. Color scheme changed to Dark Mode, I don't want any one seeing stars when doing karaoke songs.. lmao.. All members can now modify the theme anyhow they want! @ksk778 let me know if the dark mode works for you since you're on mobile. Eg.. You can have my combination, which seems very perfect to me lol, you don't need glasses anymore and trying to make larger text... This software is very different from the old one with more features! I have done a lot of work on it so you won't miss the old one! Just enjoy this for now. I believe @BJtheDJ complained about the design 4 years ago lol, well this time you can modify it to your liking... BBcodes are also working now.. Maybe someone can make a tutorial with all the color combinations for people to try, I haven't slept in almost (3) days just to get you guys something new.. Haha.. enjoy
    5 points
  16. This FBK260 link worked for me: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ai6icmc_Acfel9d4OIFmQs7AxWqKtw?e=hdSYPo It looks as though you chopped the end off your link
    5 points
  17. Here are the ones I have done, creators have been quick on these so sorry if any are duplicates GNOME-2424 - Aerosmith - Deuces Are Wild.zip GNOME-2425 - Def Leppard - Excitable.zip GNOME-2426 - Faster Pussycat - You're So Vain.zip GNOME-2427 - Mike & The Mechanics - You Are The One.zip GNOME-2428 - Pat Benetar - Let's Stay Together.zip GNOME-2429 - Rock & Hyde - Dirty Water.zip GNOME-2430 - Smithereens - Blues Before And After.zip GNOME-2431 - Smithereens - Yesterday Girl.zip GNOME-2432 - Warrant - Blind Faith.zip All can be found here Glo Folder Cheers
    5 points
  18. This track is SFAICS one of these very unusual CB tracks that was only issued on one disc, part of a triple-pack ~ so here it is for you. CB5063-01-06 Rod Stewart - Sailing
    4 points
  19. Hi, Lee, here is Rod Stewart - Sailing... Enjoy https://mega.nz/file/WMRD2ASS#ugQenGpBJi5wLvuL57zZSYJ8T6RywGEE3HStIoB5_wU
    4 points
  20. Hazz 08-02 Both Sides Now - Roger Whittaker https://mega.nz/file/4HQUDTBD#vhdp8JMxfGeKW5pMmANbupQaXax8ZrK5Z65eOoNAbEo
    4 points
  21. I have 3 here for you, 2 from Buy Karaoke Downloads and a Karaoke Version: https://mega.nz/folder/JDNAXLYS#kVAMg3HZAJTaPC_fw0ikjA Enjoy!!!!
    4 points
  22. Thanx to those who reported the spam here an hour or so ago. Spam has been removed and the user banned.
    3 points
  23. Here's a selection of 'Wicked' tracks: https://mega.nz/folder/Ez1liazA#7GDBF_4mamkp04Wx3xPQnQ
    3 points
  24. I have checked and I have the correct Moe Bandy track @320kbps here: https://mega.nz/folder/hDkSCCBS#ePWVVR_eGZq90iUACGqShw I see you already have received a couple copies of CB40241.
    3 points
  25. Here you go. CB40421 Sting @192 with Vox
    3 points
  26. Paul Jones, Thank you for these. For those that don't know, the MTS tracks (normally listed as MT) are from the Sweet Georgia Brown company. SGB issued most of their SGB series tracks in SCDG format , 1208 of them ~ hence the catalog number.
    3 points
  27. Here is CB60007 folder. Found a good copy of the entire disc. https://mega.nz/folder/cQQ2DZBK#RWBJqetPHb7WfSV7UYzoMg Here is CB60136. Found a good copy of this disc. https://mega.nz/folder/IR4TFRbR#0pEXojSG9OmmctR5xzF1EQ
    3 points
  28. That's strange, however it may be that I have different options because I'm a member of staff here. I'll drop a PM to iTake and try to find out for you.
    2 points
  29. Click on the three dots (More Options) on the RHS of the taskbar
    2 points
  30. Firstly the Moe Bandy disc is CB90117, not 90017, and my track is incorrect as well so I can't help you. When I checked my folder both of those Lady A tracks were actually from KaraokeCloud. SuperDave has now shared them with us @320, click below to DL. Lady Antebellum trax from CB13044
    2 points
  31. Not still up but i can re-upload them for you. I have them all back to 1950's watch out for 2022 and 2023
    2 points
  32. Request for pierrot ZPCP - 2024 - 1,2 and 3 https://mega.nz/folder/6AgyiYLK#XUIDYqPzOS7fx8epqdQiAA
    2 points
  33. Hey! Found you all! I didn't think the web address would be changing lol! Anyhoo.... I am working my way through the Chartbuster discs and have some errors that I can't fix.. Does anyone have any of the following please: CB60136-07 - Marty Robbins - Please Don't Play A Love Song CB60007-07 - Jeff Wood - You Just Get One CB40410-10 - Joss Stone - Spoiled (it should be over 4 minutes long. This one cuts off after 2 minutes...) CB13044-09 - Lady Antebellum - Love This Pain (The graphics don't work) CB13044-10 - Lady Antebellum - When You Got A Good Thing (The graphics don't work) Thank you, Lee.
    2 points
  34. Why do you need to reset your password! Email notifications are currently bugged, working on it now.. The like button is now the quote button, you see an icon that looks like heart ( that is where all the like buttons are )..
    2 points
  35. At the top of the page there's a taskbar (it can change to Karaok Enthusiast Chat depending on how you move the cursor) with UserName on the right and several icons to the left of that ~~ roll your cursor over the leftmost of those icons and you'll see Style Options.
    2 points
  36. The FBK260 link doesn't work
    2 points
  37. Well i hate it why do we always have to change
    2 points
  38. Hi Folks. Donation sent! Thanks to everyone for all the advice and posts. Best regards. marti
    2 points
  39. Happy New Year to you all. This New Year has already began and its about time to make some new changes here. First and foremost, we will be migrating this forum to a new Software that some of you might be familiar with. During this time, the site would be offline and you won't be able to use this site. In the case where the update is not successful, we will have no other choice than to go back to the old software because we will try our best to restore every piece of data on the current forum. In a few days, we will have to renew our server contract, yet we still lack funds to do. We are asking users to help us stay alive as we have planned new perks for VIP users as well. Maintenance will begin later today between (GMT +0) 7: 00 PM to 11:00 PM. We apologise for any inconvenience, this update will affect only the forum.. Thank you!
    2 points
  40. Hi, I sent the donation from Italy with Paypal to M. Dean A hug
    2 points
  41. Here is CB40241. Complete disk with vocals. I do feel that the tracks with vocals are quite useful for karaoke shows. I'm able to get many more singers on stage with these tracks. Some folks just can't sing without hearing the vocals. Some folks just aren't great singers and without the vocals present, they would be too embarrassed to sing without the vocals covering their voice up. https://mega.nz/folder/NZpVlTDI#UhGuylaoANiJErdudtZO9Q
    1 point
  42. Found you again, thought it was problems with my VPN, love the new look Has anybody got Velouria by The Pixies I believe it's on Karaoke Version if anyone has it. Please and thankyou
    1 point
  43. Hi the DCK 965 folder is empty
    1 point
  44. I don't think that you've been demoted, looking to the left of your post it says: Junior Administrator Moderators VIP Contributor Verified Uploader Which is exactlythe same as it says on mine, previously yours didn't say Junior Administrator so I'd say you have advanced rather than been put back. Have you contacted iTake about your questions??
    1 point
  45. I like the new layout. Took a little getting used to it but after a while it's cool!
    1 point
  46. Hi to everybody that has managed to get here to the new-stylee forum. It seems strange at first but I'm pretty certain that we'll all get used to it given a little time and constant use. If you had to go to the main site to click on a link to get here and couldn't figure out why then try looking at the URL losely ~~ forums has been changed to forum.
    1 point
  47. loving the new look GLODLS....congrats to all the team
    1 point
  48. Donation received! Thanks a lot for donating.
    1 point
  49. Read This. https://forums.glodls.to/threads/forum-updates-and-what-to-expect-in-2025.2181/ It's from the iTake, Super-Zeus of this site and the main GloTorrents site. The forums will be off-line today from 7pm until 11pm GMT (UK local time) while the forums migrate to new software ~ and (if it doesn't take) back to the original. The site also needs help with funding. This forum was a great help when the site needed funds a few months back and you can help out by making donations. The PayPal link is here: Support this site. Use 'Friends & Family' and put in your username so that we know who to thank, don't put anything else in.
    1 point
  50. My Chartbuster folder has over 4400 discs that's over 52,000 songs if you think i have time to play every track to check it before uploading them you're an idiot. do me a favour and don't download them you ungreatful git. Maybe i should stop uploading Them.
    1 point
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