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BJtheDJ last won the day on January 10

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About BJtheDJ

  • Birthday 07/25/1919

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  1. I posted the complete set of 138 discs in 2015, back in the good ole days of Kick Ass Torrents
  2. The PayPal link is here: Support this site. Use 'Friends & Family' and put in your username so that we know who to thank, don't put anything else in.
  3. Goldmix, thanx for reporting the spam earlier today. Spam has been deleted, user has been banned
  4. Ordinary users can edit their posts for 5 minutes after posting them. VIP users can edit their posts for 1440 minutes (that's one day or 24 hours) after posting. My thanks to iTake for letting me know about this.
  5. Using KSLC to look up the 3 Doors Down song (note the S on the end of door) and the Alicia Keys song, I can see that they are on CBE09-27-01 and CBE09-29-07. I would imagine that somebody had the tracks from the discs and bunged them into disc random disc folders; are all of the tracks present?
  6. Thanx to those who reported the spam here an hour or so ago. Spam has been removed and the user banned.
  7. Your best chance is to ask in Karaoke Enthusiast Chat
  8. That's strange, however it may be that I have different options because I'm a member of staff here. I'll drop a PM to iTake and try to find out for you.
  9. Firstly the Moe Bandy disc is CB90117, not 90017, and my track is incorrect as well so I can't help you. When I checked my folder both of those Lady A tracks were actually from KaraokeCloud. SuperDave has now shared them with us @320, click below to DL. Lady Antebellum trax from CB13044
  10. This track is SFAICS one of these very unusual CB tracks that was only issued on one disc, part of a triple-pack ~ so here it is for you. CB5063-01-06 Rod Stewart - Sailing
  11. Paul Jones, Thank you for these. For those that don't know, the MTS tracks (normally listed as MT) are from the Sweet Georgia Brown company. SGB issued most of their SGB series tracks in SCDG format , 1208 of them ~ hence the catalog number.
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