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  1. Hello Lee - Been gone for 2 weeks and missed a ton of stuff that's no longer there.. I'm hoping I might find some of it in your private folder. Any chance of getting the password? Thanks Majic
  2. Hello Lee - any chance of getting the password for your MEGA folder - [URL]https://mega.nz/#P!AgDaXhQZnptbuPQ0pfEKWpxf6ffNNDlUspCSh-Y0pyvXcpNJJgbh6z0jA_dZNPfRd1e1Gu4Cm7LqUPqCr6vC5WG-Kh3KFq5JakT4dmT4AOtdViSFKXLfAQ[/URL] Thanks
  3. Thanks for the response. I read the page you linked and checked on the site they provide ( https://portal.office.com/ServiceStatus ) . That wasn't the problem. I have to have another tab open with my MSDrive account signed in to access any links. Just signing in and closing the tab doesn't work for me. As long as I do that, the problem appears resolved. Thanks again
  4. Yes I do. Apparently if I don't have another tab where I'm signed in - it gives the error message. When I do have another tab and am signed in - it works. Thanks.....
  5. Not sure why - but I seem unable to d/l from MS OneDrive - keeps telling me "Something went wrong". Anybody else?
  6. Just got back from being away... would appreciate the link Sacot1 Thanks (also sent you a PM, disregard that)
  7. Have re-sent donation. Can you confirm receiving, or do I have to try something else?
    1. _.:=iTake=:._


      Yes donation was received! Thanks a lot
  8. Mine was also returned... " Dear Bxx Mxxxx, This email is to let you know that [email protected] returned the payment of 10.00 USD you made on 03 Jul, 2024. This means that the transaction is not complete and the funds have not been transferred to the recipient. Your funds will be returned to their original source. Please contact the recipient if you have questions about this transaction." So, I'm contacting...... Majic
  9. You are so right - I almost exclusively stick to the Karaoke Chat. I find the people on this site extremely helpful and knowledgeable and am pleased to donate as part of the effort to keep it alive. Thanks for all you do - all of you. Majic
  10. I have uploaded those I have in my collection (down to Pocket Songs Just Tracks - I have to leave to be somewhere just now) If there's still a need when I get back later tonight - I'll search for the rest Here you go - https://mega.nz/folder/dfdykYZb#NcCgv3Ca07V5qg6o7N6KPg
  11. I also got them all, and am very appreciative for the upload - but am having trouble with a particular file from that download: NM3053-14 - BIG & RICH WVOCAL - SAVE A HORSE (RIDE A COWBOY) WinRAR reports the archive corrupted and when I try to play it - it dies mid-song. I have d/l'ed the file several times with the same result. Am I the only one with this problem? Just trying to sort this out. Thanks
  12. First Post - I have a few for you (if I did it right) Happy New Year's 21 Missing DFK's
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